Day 2 Scores

note, the RBL entries include one from Anna Barclay, who is not in the ESPN pool

(that's why the rankings are off by one for everyone below Anna's current score)

In [7]:
_ = printLines(current_scores)
rank   score                         champ                runner-up
   1     250  Andrew Koziol          Purdue               UConn             
         250  Anna Barclay           Virginia             Kansas            
         250  Casey Farrell          Kansas               Arizona           
         250  Jonathan Graboyes      Purdue               UCLA              
         250  Matt Manderfeld        Alabama              Texas             
   6     240  Ben Sampson            UCLA                 Baylor            
         240  Dave DeBlasio          Houston              Arizona           
         240  Paul Mazanec           Texas                Alabama           
         240  Zachary Jonas          Texas                Kentucky          
  10     230  *** Chris              Xavier               Purdue            
         230  Griffin Gammill        Texas                Duke              
  12     220  *** DJ Toothpic        Houston              Alabama           
         220  Alex Lessin            Kansas               Marquette         
         220  Brett Stone            Marquette            Kansas            
         220  Grayson Holland        Houston              Arizona           
         220  Hampton Barclay        Purdue               Texas             
         220  Sarah DeBlasio         Kansas               Arizona           
  18     210  Bibeka Shrestha        Baylor               Indiana           
         210  Jamie McDonald         UCLA                 Purdue            
         210  Jennifer Andrade       Arizona              Texas             
         210  Jim Gammill            Kansas State         Gonzaga           
         210  Julia Barclay          Virginia             Houston           
         210  Matt Saldana           Texas A&M            Tennessee         
         210  Steve Maltzman         Houston              Alabama           
         210  Wyatt Posig            Gonzaga              San Diego State   
  26     200  *** Holland            Alabama              Houston           
         200  Dan Levine             Houston              Purdue            
         200  Kevin Broich           Purdue               UConn             
         200  Lauren Wanski          Houston              Alabama           
         200  Luke Barclay           UCLA                 Arizona           
         200  Michael Tracy          Marquette            Gonzaga           
  32     190  Joel Worthington       Kansas               Purdue            
         190  Nathan Rothstein       Arizona              Texas             
  34     180  Dan Rothstein          Kentucky             Kansas            
         180  Joe Felion             Alabama              Texas             
  36     170  Rob Hamilton           Arizona              Houston           
  37     160  Peter Felion           Texas                Alabama           


In [8]:
_ = printLines(destroyed_values)
rank   destroyed value
   1        950         Nathan Rothstein
   2        890         Anna Barclay
   3        850         Jennifer Andrade
            850         Rob Hamilton
   5        820         Hampton Barclay
            820         Kevin Broich
   7        810         Julia Barclay
            810         Matt Saldana
   9        710         Andrew Koziol
            710         Jonathan Graboyes
  11        630         Jamie McDonald
  12        620         Dan Rothstein
  13        600         Dan Levine
  14        580         Dave DeBlasio
  15        540         Luke Barclay
  16        510         Joel Worthington
  17        500         Grayson Holland
  18        490         *** Chris
  19        460         Peter Felion
            460         Sarah DeBlasio
  21        450         Casey Farrell
  22        320         *** DJ Toothpic
  23        310         Jim Gammill
  24        300         *** Holland
  25        280         Ben Sampson
  26        270         Matt Manderfeld
  27        260         Joe Felion
  28        240         Michael Tracy
  29        220         Paul Mazanec
  30        210         Bibeka Shrestha
            210         Wyatt Posig
  32        200         Alex Lessin
            200         Lauren Wanski
  34        190         Griffin Gammill
  35        180         Brett Stone
  36        170         Steve Maltzman
  37        100         Zachary Jonas


In [9]:
_ = printLines(expected_values)
                      E(value)   Pr(1st)   Pr(2nd)   Pr(3rd) Avg-Win  Best-Win
 1    Bibeka Shrestha    67.19      8.41      3.16      2.12      995     1630
 2        Ben Sampson    56.50      6.57      6.49      3.52     1106     1620
 3        Wyatt Posig    54.24      6.88      2.43      1.82      999     1630
 4          *** Chris    50.45      6.41      1.88      1.40     1017     1410
 5        Brett Stone    49.20      6.08      3.97      2.50     1121     1700
 6    Griffin Gammill    46.50      5.55      4.29      4.50     1002     1690
 7    Matt Manderfeld    45.37      5.12      6.30      4.35     1085     1630
 8     Steve Maltzman    43.69      4.95      5.83      5.29     1086     1730
 9      Casey Farrell    41.48      4.72      5.10      3.89     1054     1450
10        Jim Gammill    41.03      5.11      2.54      1.57     1006     1550
11      Zachary Jonas    40.88      4.56      6.99      4.35      998     1740
12        Alex Lessin    38.05      4.13      5.94      7.00     1123     1720
13       Paul Mazanec    33.39      3.97      3.33      4.81     1124     1660
14        *** Holland    28.59      3.35      2.18      4.56     1175     1620
15      Michael Tracy    28.26      2.85      6.96      3.28     1032     1600
16      Andrew Koziol    27.72      3.22      3.49      2.62      805     1170
17         Joe Felion    21.85      2.23      4.33      3.58     1150     1640
18      Lauren Wanski    21.00      2.24      4.66      3.73     1119     1700
19       Matt Saldana    19.61      2.39      1.85      1.24      803     1110
20     Sarah DeBlasio    19.13      2.08      3.22      3.72     1100     1440
21    *** DJ Toothpic    17.35      2.10      2.25      3.25     1169     1580
22  Jonathan Graboyes    16.33      1.74      2.94      3.57      827     1150
23    Grayson Holland    16.11      2.02      1.81      2.07     1042     1420
24      Dave DeBlasio    13.91      1.63      2.79      2.87     1046     1320
25     Jamie McDonald    11.60      1.02      2.91      3.68      970     1290
26       Luke Barclay    10.11      0.94      2.58      3.04     1084     1380
27      Dan Rothstein     8.93      1.13      0.51      0.24     1011     1280
28   Joel Worthington     7.96      0.70      2.08      2.54     1144     1410
29       Kevin Broich     7.45      0.72      1.80      1.32      878     1080
30       Anna Barclay     5.48      0.56      1.01      1.27      852     1030
31      Julia Barclay     3.67      0.36      0.84      1.38      828     1050
32   Jennifer Andrade     2.06      0.19      0.49      0.87      861     1050
33       Peter Felion     1.66      0.13      0.62      0.99     1222     1460
34    Hampton Barclay     1.27      0.11      0.44      0.68      766     1040
35         Dan Levine     1.22      0.09      0.49      0.75     1037     1300
36       Rob Hamilton     0.62      0.06      0.18      0.35      849     1050
37   Nathan Rothstein     0.16      0.01      0.06      0.11      737      930


In [10]:
heatMaps(players, teams, ttracker, xy2, 1)

Can't see any color on the heat maps for Nathan, Rob, Dan and Dan?

No worries -- we have a new "Find My Path" feature!

this shows at least one possible winning scenario for a player, if it exists....

Nathan can root for Maryland over Northwestern in the finals....

In [12]:
_ = printLines(Nathan_R)
Winning path found for Nathan Rothstein! (winning score is 510)
        Champ: Maryland
    Runner-up: Northwestern
   Final Four: Duke
  Elite Eight: Princeton
               Michigan State
Sweet Sixteen: Baylor
               San Diego State
               Florida Atlantic U
               Saint Mary's

Dan R still has Kentucky in the hunt

In [13]:
_ = printLines(Dan_R)
Winning path found for Dan Rothstein! (winning score is 1020)
        Champ: Kentucky
    Runner-up: Houston
   Final Four: Missouri
  Elite Eight: San Diego State
Sweet Sixteen: Alabama
               Florida Atlantic U

Dan L can root for Saint Mary's over FAU now

In [14]:
_ = printLines(Dan_L)
Winning path found for Dan Levine! (winning score is 660)
        Champ: Saint Mary's
    Runner-up: Florida Atlantic U
   Final Four: Alabama
  Elite Eight: Missouri
               Kansas State
Sweet Sixteen: San Diego State
               Michigan State

And Rob can hope Princeton beats Houston in Houston for the crown

In [15]:
_ = printLines(Rob_H)
Winning path found for Rob Hamilton! (winning score is 790)
(but you have to share it with one other)
        Champ: Princeton
    Runner-up: Houston
   Final Four: Duke
  Elite Eight: Furman
               Penn State
Sweet Sixteen: Alabama
               Kansas State
               Fairleigh Dickinson

As a reminder, here are the 2023 Players, by predicted Tourney champ

In [16]:
_ = printLines(top_picks)
                      CHAMP            RUNNER-UP        HANDLE
36 *** Holland        Alabama          Houston          Holland, Like the Country
 3 Joe Felion         Alabama          Texas            Cinderella
20 Matt Manderfeld    Alabama          Texas            Peck 'em Jays
33 Rob Hamilton       Arizona          Houston          Cocaine Bruin
26 Jennifer Andrade   Arizona          Texas            Derek Harper's Heart
 0 Nathan Rothstein   Arizona          Texas            Bad Bets US Trust
12 Bibeka Shrestha    Baylor           Indiana          bammashamma
21 Wyatt Posig        Gonzaga          San Diego State  y
35 *** DJ Toothpic    Houston          Alabama          dj toothpic
28 Lauren Wanski      Houston          Alabama          Tulane all the way!
 5 Steve Maltzman     Houston          Alabama          Cranky Boeheim
 2 Dave DeBlasio      Houston          Arizona          NC Double Hey
22 Grayson Holland    Houston          Arizona          The Professor
 7 Dan Levine         Houston          Purdue           Dan Levine Bracket
23 Jim Gammill        Kansas State     Gonzaga          I State My Case
 1 Casey Farrell      Kansas           Arizona          C.Farrell
25 Sarah DeBlasio     Kansas           Arizona          Sarah's Bracket 2023
19 Alex Lessin        Kansas           Marquette        Maryland Wild Ass Guess
10 Joel Worthington   Kansas           Purdue           Champion Supernova
 9 Dan Rothstein      Kentucky         Kansas           SabaAbuela
 8 Michael Tracy      Marquette        Gonzaga          Edey's Playhouse
15 Brett Stone        Marquette        Kansas           Silicon Valley BANG! BANG
14 Hampton Barclay    Purdue           Texas            2Cool4NIT
16 Jonathan Graboyes  Purdue           UCLA             Jon Graboyes
27 Andrew Koziol      Purdue           UConn            Meatball Andy AKA Tiny A
31 Kevin Broich       Purdue           UConn            Brioch Bracket
32 Matt Saldana       Texas A&M        Tennessee        Srsly V. Beautiful (SVB)
 4 Paul Mazanec       Texas            Alabama          Lombardhoopz
11 Peter Felion       Texas            Alabama          PF
 6 Griffin Gammill    Texas            Duke             gammajamma
17 Zachary Jonas      Texas            Kentucky         The Other Tim Allen
13 Luke Barclay       UCLA             Arizona          Lil Luke's Big Bracket
18 Ben Sampson        UCLA             Baylor           Run on the Bank Shot
24 Jamie McDonald     UCLA             Purdue           Yeti Life
30 Julia Barclay      Virginia         Houston          j barc
29 Anna Barclay       Virginia         Kansas           anna barc
34 *** Chris          Xavier           Purdue           CHRIS-11

You will be able to find this page later at jgweb.info/RBL23/RBL23-day-2.html.

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Earlier Pages

Day 1: jgweb.info/RBL23/RBL23-day-1.html.

Day 0: jgweb.info/RBL23/RBL23-day-0.html.

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